Open Mic Night
Open Mic Nights
Christ Episcopal Church - Parish Hall
Doors open at 7 PM
contact Chris Dudley in advance to sign up.
The Southern Maryland Traditional Music and Dance HomeSpun Coffeehouse sponsors an Open Mic night of acoustic music at the Christ Episcopal Church - Parish Hall, 37497 Zach Fowler Road, Chaptico, MD, on most* 4th Fridays of the Month Sept-June. Admissions is only $8 per person (performers are free).** See calendar for more information.
Talented local singers, songwriters, and musicians come to Chaptico to hone their crafts in front of an enthusiastic, friendly audience. You’ll be entertained by a wide variety of folk styles and acoustic instruments. Each Open Mic is unique. Everybody always has a great time.
Bring your favorite snack to share to make it an even more memorable night. For additional information, or to sign up to perform, please email Chris Dudley at the link above. A keyboard can be made available by prior arrangement.
*Some months, the Open Mic may be moved or canceled due to a conflict with the Spring/Fall concert or a surrounding holiday. See the calendar or Facebook page for updates about these changes.
**Note that SMTMD's rental fee for the church hall has increased, and as a result, we have increased our admission fees to help cover our expenses for events.